
Achieving Transformational Goals through New Homes in El Espino

By working with ENLACE over the years on smaller to bigger projects, the Tabernáculo Biblico Salem Church has steadily increased its ability to manage projects on their own. The church is now at a point to accomplish projects that were once just future possibilities. This is due to the church leaders’ ongoing commitment to learning the process of transformation: listening to God and walking with their community toward sustainable change.
Pastor Santos estimates that nearly half of the members of the church are actively at work in El Espino. He says, “God has shown us that our community is an open field in which to work and each member must help in the work that God has entrusted to us.” Pastor Santos feels that they are achieving those early hopes and dreams, especially through the housing initiative in which 24 families from three hamlets received new homes. In this way, the local church has become a strong and engaging witness to God’s desire to heal and bring peace to the poor.