
Your Gift Unlocks Potential

Make a gift to help ENLACE’s Church Coaches train and equip churches to work with their communities to end multidimensional poverty.

Scroll down for more ways to make a difference as an individual, family, or community.

Church Partnerships

Partner with ENLACE to help your congregation grow, learn, transform communities, and participate in life-changing international experiences.


Turn your birthday, Christmas, wedding, lemonade stand, or anything else into impact through ENLACE.


Vision Trips

An invitation for pastors & missions pastors to visit Central America or Nepal with us, learn about our work, and dream about engaging your congregation in exciting international experiences.

Short Term Service Trips

Talk to us about your church or other group sponsoring a project, then working alongside Central American or Nepali sisters and brothers to implement it.

Sponsor a Project

Learn more about ways to give as an individual, family, or community.


Get your resources to learn more about our work, plan a mission trip, or help spread the word about ENLACE.

Shine Collective

Join a group of people who are coming together to support initiatives that empower women to transform their communities.


Support our mission and help spread the word by getting your ENLACE merch and meaningful gifts for friends at the ENLACE store.

Team Enlace Sticker


Run, swim, cycle, climb, or use any athletic event to raise awareness about ENLACE and help churches end poverty.

Coffee Subscription

Support ENLACE and get ethically sourced specialty coffee from Central America delivered to your home or workplace every month.

Ways to Give

Ways to Give

Whether as an individual, family, or community, whether online, by mail, or phone, one-time, or recurring, choose a way to give that’s right for you